is hosted on DreamHost.
The Janes-Melus family tree is researched and compiled by by Paul, Mary and Ed Janes.
Unless specified, everything else on the site is handcrafted XHTML (served wherever possible as application/xhtml+xml
) and CSS written by Peter Janes, using the software listed below.
- WordPress, with the following plugins:
- ActivityPub by Matthias Pfefferle & Automattic
- Akismet Anti-Spam: Spam Protection by Automattic - Anti Spam Team
- Antispam Collateral Condolences by Mark Jaquith
- Bad Behavior by Michael Hampton
- Classic Editor by WordPress Contributors
- Disable WPAUTOP by Nick Momrik
- Sitemap Generator by Auctollo
- Head, Footer and Post Injections by Stefano Lissa
- HTML Purified by John Godley
- IndieAuth by IndieWebCamp WordPress Outreach Club
- Post Kinds by David Shanske
- IndieWeb by IndieWebCamp WordPress Outreach Club
- Micropub by IndieWeb WordPress Outreach Club
- MW-Style Calendar by Eric A. Meyer
- Nice Search by Mark Jaquith
- OpenID by DiSo Development Team
- Post Updated by Kaf Oseo
- WebSub (FKA. PubSubHubbub) by PubSubHubbub Team
- Semantic-Linkbacks by Matthias Pfefferle
- Widon't by Shaun Inman
- Simple Location by David Shanske
- Smart Archives by Justin Blanton
- Syndication Links by David Shanske
- the_excerpt Reloaded by Kaf Oseo
- Webmention by Matthias Pfefferle
- WP Mail SMTP by WP Mail SMTP
- WP Minor Edit by Ciaran Gultnieks
- Microformats 2 by IndieWeb WordPress Outreach Club
- PhpGedView