The anthropologist had arrived in a jungle village the day before, and had gotten no sleep the previous night because of the drumming. Hoping it was a unique cultural event, he asked one of the children about it, but the only explanation he could get was Is very bad when drums stop.
The next day, more tired from the noise of the previous night, he asked one of the adults when the drumming would stop so he could get some rest, but again was met with Is very bad when drums stop.
Another night passed, and again the researcher had gotten no sleep. Exhausted and frustrated, he went to the village council and implored them to make the ceaseless pounding stop. Is very bad when drums stop,
they told him.
But why‽
he pleaded. They go on all day and all night, and I can’t take it any more!
Is very bad when drums stop,
the council’s most learned elder explained. When drums stop, bass solo begins.
Apologies to Emm, Andrew and all the rest of you. Basses (and bassists) are cool. I love the bass. But I love the joke more.
You’re misguided on both counts.