
I threw open the door and there stood a lovely, tall, rather shy man holding an egg. Hello, I said. Hello, he said, I am wondering if I might borrow an egg. You see, I only have one and what I really need is two.

Lenni Jabour, The Story of the Third Floor (December 2002 edition)

[Relationships are] totally irrational and crazy and absurd and, but, uh, I guess we keep going through it because, uh, most of us need the eggs.

Woody Allen, Annie Hall

The appearance of Lenni’s egg story in December, shortly after I created my Eggs category (named as such after Allen’s quote), fits the definition of synchronicity exactly: events which coincide in time and appear meaningfully related but have no discoverable causal connection.

(Hey, it’s been almost two months since my last Lenni entry of any substance. Y’all were thinking I’d forgotten, weren’t you?)

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2 thoughts on “Synchronicity

  1. Nah! I had faith. I knew you were saving the Lenni posts for when they were really needed!

    Unless you were asking me and only me, however, I must object to your use of the singular “Y’all” rather than it’s plural form of “All y’all”.

    Keep at it, though. We’ll teach you to speak ‘merican yet.

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