
I just archived an aggregator page containing 13 items I’ve been meaning to follow up, some for more than two weeks. There are 47 feeds in my blogroll. My bookmarks file contains some 470 individual items, arranged into 65 separate folders (including 30 or 40 that are unfiled). My home directory contains 170 files and 63 directories–omitting the 69 dotfiles and 83 config directories; one directory contains a file I’ve faithfully transferred between nine versions of four operating systems and otherwise ignored since 1993. I have 20GB of .mp3 and .ogg files online, and 17 more burned on 27 CDs.

I’m sure all this is nothing compared to some of the hardcore geeks out there. The thing that disturbs me about this… let’s be charitable and call it a collection… is that I’ve only created a tiny fraction of it. It’s taken ten years to accumulate this much junk; there’s a lot more I could have done in those ten years than squirrel away data for some more opportune time when I get a round Tuit.

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