Not that all y’all (or even just y’all) care, but there are a few reasons for my recent lack of online presence.
Last weekend I went to Ottawa with my family to attend my brother’s convocation from the University of Ottawa. It was a fairly standard ceremony, enhanced by two facts: that it was held at the National Arts Centre, and most of all that it was my baby brother (if you know him, you’ll know how wrong that term is, and why I can’t call him my little brother either) walking across the stage. Congratulations Ed!
I actually have a couple of entries in progress, but haven’t found the time to finish and post them. One is a public posting of my response to a request my parents made–it’s been in the works since May 14–and the other is, ironically, all about my love of time. (It’s not started yet, but I want to put something up about touristy stuff in Ottawa.) Soon, my pretties, soon.
Things have been busy at work, and (horrors!) as a result I’ve been disinterested in doing anything on the computer at home. Yes, you read that right, and no, I’m not feeling particularly feverish, but thanks for asking.
And finally, I’ve spent more time talking, e-mailing and chatting with Jess in the last few weeks than with anyone else I’ve ever known. I’d blog some of our conversations, but they go too quickly and too long for even my 120+ wpm fingers to keep up… well, that and I get too involved in the discussions to be distracted by the browser, which to my mind is a Good Thing. Ain’t it funny how things will happen when you least expect them to?