Compact this!

File | Compact Folders for imap accounts now compacts all imap folders in the account…. Previously, this command just compacted the selected folder. To compact just the selected folder, you should now use the folder context menu command Compact this Folder.

I’m a keyboard-shortcut user, and have gotten quite used to the buggy behaviour of hitting AltFF to compact the current IMAP folder, so I’ve written my first Thunderbird extension to work around the new behaviour. (I’ve also entered bug 235153 to have the process changed so it’s more responsive to the user.) The extension adds a new item to the File menu called Compact This Folder with accesskey F; it also renames Compact Folders to Compact All Folders and changes its accesskey to A.

A disclaimer: the extension Works For Me in Thunderbird 0.5+, but Your Mileage May Vary. Please let me know if you have problems and I’ll try to fix them (but don’t hold your breath); similarly, if you have suggestions or improvements, please pass them along.

Version 0.2 now works in Thunderbird 0.7. The accesskey for Compact All Folders is now M because A was used for the Attachments submenu.

I’ve removed the Creative Commons license as it’s not designed for software. However, the removal is not retroactive: version 0.1 is still licensed under by-nc-sa. Version 0.2 is unlicensed for the time being.

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