Sirens and Hal: Winners!

Today’s musical outing was to see roots/blues player Manitoba Hal at London’s premier folk club, The Ugly Mug Café. It was one of the first really nice days we’ve had this year–16 degrees and sunny–and unfortunately that led to a poor turnout, but Hal put on a fantastic couple of sets and stuck around for a while afterwards to talk music (both as art and business) with local musicians Allison Brown and James Cummins (and local music nobody yours truly).

I couldn’t make it to tonight’s London Music Awards presentation but I just got the news that, for the second year in a row, Sirens won! I sometimes get discouraged with London audiences who stay away in droves from deserving acts, but for as long as I’ve known Amber, Donna and Jo-Ann the locals have been incredibly supportive of the group. Congratulations Sirens (and the other LMA winners), and good on you London!

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