RRJ article on CBC and blogging

A couple of weeks ago I received an email out of the blue from Emerald Austerberry, a journalism student at Ryerson University. She was working on a story about blogs and journalism, specifically about the recently-released and much-discussed CBC blogging policy guidelines for Self-publishing and self-expression on the Internet. I told her I’d be willing to be an interview subject, and a few days later (after I cleared it with work—we’ve got understandable but slightly-paranoid rules about talking to the media) we talked for about half an hour about Planet CBC, the CBC Blogging Manifesto, the new policy, and some of the more outstanding supporters and critics of all things CBC. (And for the record, not once did she push me for juicy bits or inside information about TVWorks or anything else. Not all journalists should be tarred with the same brush used for sensationalist American media outlets.)

Emerald’s article was published today, and I think it’s a good summary of the history of and controversy over blogging at the CBC. Plus, I have to admit it’s kind of cool being name-checked alongside CBCers like Joe Mahoney and the mysterious Ouimet.

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