Explanation. List:
- St. [A]idan’s Church, where I recently saw Amber Cunningham and Paul Grambo perform a concert combining music by Elvis Costello and Cole Porter.
- [B]uddies in Bad Times Theatre, where I’m going to see Evalyn Parry’s show SPIN.
- [C]hapters/Indigo, a bookstore where I had been trying to place an order.
- The Pidgin changelog on their [d]eveloper site.
- A recent event that had been posted on [E]ventBrite.
- [F]uture Shop. Looking for a replacement for my increasingly-crappy Harmony remote.
- The [G]rand Theatre, grand dame of London’s theatre venues.
- Twitter’s [H]ome page. Curiously, about three quarters of the suggested ‘H’ links are to Twitter.
- [I]nternational Theatre Institute, most widely known for starting World Theatre Day and promoting each year’s event with a message. I’m a co-presenter of London’s first WTD celebrations.
- [j].mp, the URL shortener.
- [K]ristin Sweetland, singer/songwriter/guitarist extraordinaire.
- [L]ondon Fringe Festival. If you’ve been around here at all you know why this one’s here.
- [M]TO, Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation. It’s winter in Canada, and for all its problems the MTO’s road info map is the best resource I’ve found to see if I’ll be able to get where I want to go.
- [N]CIX. Had to replace a faulty RAM stick.
- The National Ballet of Canada’s Toronto performance schedule for [O]negin, which I’m planning to see with a theatre-loving friend.
- DreamHost’s control [p]anel.
- IMDb’s meta-[q]uery page, which I have set up as a keyword.
- [R]CI, home of The Link, which I often hear late at night on CBC Radio 1.
- @[s]oapiest, aka Mikaela Dyke, actor, comedian, artist, activist, you name it. (Just days before she changed her handle.)
- My local install of [T]hinkUp, a personal Twitter metrics tool.
- [u]serstyles.org, a collection of handy user stylesheets for various websites.
- A [V]ideo for Everybody generator. Because
isn’t everywhere yet. - Environment Canada’s weather forecasts. See [M].
- [x]kcd. As in Tim Bray’s original list, ’nuff said.
- [Y]UI 3. Website designs are never finished, only abandoned.
- YouTube; I guess its video IDs tend to include a lot of [z] characters.