Sirens on CD

It occurred this evening that I haven’t written nearly as much about Sirens as they deserve. The last two nights they’ve performed sold-out concerts at The Ugly Mug Cafe that were recorded for release in a few weeks. I’ve been privileged to attend both nights with friends (Donna, Jessie and Scott) and family (my parents), and I think (rather modestly) I may have made new Sirens fans of all of them. (Like I had anything to do with it other than picking up their tickets.)

This week has seen a blitz of promotion, more than I’ve seen for a London act in a long time–if ever. For the Folk, a program on the University of Western Ontario’s radio station CHRW 94.7, featured them live for better than 45 minutes on Wednesday night; alternate-week host Ian Gifford even allowed them to play out the last 20 minutes of the show without comment or interruption. The other host, Allison Brown, played a song from an earlier CD last week and announced this weekend’s concerts. (I’ve seen both Brown and Gifford at recent concerts, and Allison in concert based on a recommendation from Sirens… it goes both ways.) They got mention in James Reaney‘s column in the London Free Press, and performed on The New PL Friday morning. Getting that kind of exposure from London media is incredible.

Can’t say enough about the concerts themselves, so I won’t try–so much for writing more about them! See them live, check out their website, buy a CD or four, and judge for yourself.

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One thought on “Sirens on CD

  1. Thanks for telling us about Sirens. We both loved them, and can’t wait to hear the CD. We were both thinking who is worthy of the extra CD.
    Thanks for telling us about them!

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