
Ascribing anything more than interest to a test like the Autism-Spectrum Quotient is sheer fallacy. However, sufficient interest–particularly that generated by a high score–can lead to further investigation of things like Asperger Syndrome.

Enough with the neutral phrasing. I’m hardly a hypochondriac–if anything, I may be a hyperchondriac–but I see more than casual similarities in myself to descriptions of AS individuals.

I’m thinking of this tonight after seeing a local production of CBC’s readings of A Christmas Carol, featuring Sirens, in Port Stanley. A particular person who tried this evening to continue a conversation we’d started on Friday (among other things) can anecdotally confirm certain aspects, as could others at the party after the performance and the three or four people who read this weblog. (One of my own supporting anecdotes is that I chose to go to the performance over a much more social event, my company’s Christmas party… not that I wouldn’t have made that choice anyway, because I’ll take a Sirens event over just about anything else you can name.)

I’m not running around flailing my arms in the air in my concern over this perception; I’m somewhat interested in obtaining a diagnosis either way, just to know, but it’s not an overwhelming desire. If, as it’s been said, AS individuals have a dash of Autism, I think it’s fair to say I have at least a dash of AS; and if I’ve made it through mumble mumble years so far I’m sure I can go many more.

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One thought on “Asperger

  1. Well, I scored 24… interesting questions though… I don’t know if I did it again if I’d score differently, but I”m defnitely higher than average!

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