Long weekend

Claire, Allison, David, Tamsen, Greg, Lenni, Drew, Adrean, Stich, Brenda. All of the preceding people helped make last weekend (plus two vacation days) one of the most fun and unique I’ve had in some time.

David and Tamsen were kind enough to come out to see Claire JenkinsLondon debut with special guest Allison Brown at The Ugly Mug. After their performance the five of us talked music, movies, websites and psychology for several hours at a favourite restaurant (even moreso now because they didn’t kick us out for grossly overstaying our welcome).

I’d made plans with Brenda, one of my favourite musicians and a talented voiceover artist, to see Lenni‘s show on Monday before giving her a ride to London, but inexplicably had neglected to inform Greg of the gig in advance. Fortunately I was able to get hold of him at the last minute, and so the three of us enjoyed each other’s company (and Lenni and trio, naturally) at the packed venue before heading out just after midnight. A couple of solid hours of singer-songwriters on CD and wide-ranging conversation later (including, finally, an answer to my question: it’s not by choice) Brenda and I hit London and parted ways.

As a fitting coda to the long musical weekend, on Tuesday I returned to the Ugly Mug, this time to pick up a long-lost album of photos. I’ll be adding them to the Sirens website RSN.

Next up: Andrew, Scott, Donna, Rufus, Emm and Dayna.

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