Standards are not accessibility

Dave Shea is impressed at the standards-based design evident in a number of student portfolios, and I’ll agree with him to a point: a lot of them look very nice. However, he fails to note that many are completely inaccessible to non-graphical users; some, in fact, can’t even be used by those with recent traditional browsers. To wit:


[Document has only hidden links. Use the 'l'ist command.]

In a non-CSS browser:

Browser window showing a blank page

Linkless wonder

Headless Wonder

The what now?

These  were  team  based  projects  which  took  lots  of planning and
co-operation by all team members. Both these projects
are  100%  standards compliant, built using XHTML, css, and flash.   -
(To view one of the projects click on the above pictures.)

As their teacher says, the results speak for themselves! It might be worth taking a page from Jeffrey Veen’s book for his next course: when Web design is practiced as a craft, and not a consolation, accessibility comes for free.

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