My SETI@Home clients haven’t discovered any statistics of note since August 2001. Previous to that I was getting personal-best
spikes, gaussians, and pulses once every couple of months on average. I know they’ve been recycling work units for some time, but I’d expect to get similar results–the analysis hasn’t changed, because the client has been the same version (3.03) since December 2000.
I’m not complaining, just curious.
Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.
Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes
That’s because the aliens are on to us. They now know that we’re looking and taking steps to supress their emissions.
Oh yes… The invasion is imminent.
There will be no discussion of emissions, suppressed or not. Eww.
Even if they’re nocturnal?