Come to the Dark Side†. We have cookies!
†@londonfringe fundraiser on Wednesday night, featuring @nickwallacelive and @keithhbrown.
Only a few tickets left… get yours at!
Format: Image
Nick Wallace and Keith Brown go together like sewing needles and razor blades. April 3 in #ldnont; get your tickets at!
Wait a minute, this sounds like rock and/or roll!
Trapper returns to the stage, finally. Much fun was had and many cochlea were sacrificed.
The last #TiLTuesdays happens tonight at 7 pm at 207 King. If you’ve "meant to" come out, this is your last chance!
"The chances of anything coming from Mars
Are a million to one," he said.
Today’s T-shirt is also #ldnfringe’s October 30 event! It’s the 80th anniversary of "The Night That Panicked America"; come (re?)live the classic radio broadcast, performed live at the @londonmusicclub!
Grab your tickets at
#waroftheworlds #ldnontario #ldnont #livearts #ldnthtr
London is the best. #week2 #whybother
Starting September 18! If you’re involved and/or interested in #ldnont #ldnontario theatre in any way, shape, or form, come on out to 207 King for conversations, performances, and just possibly a bit of fun.
Peter & Tink

Christmastime is here
One step forward
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.