Jenny, aka The Shifted Librarian, wonders …does the 13-month anniversary of a blog mark the hurdle for achieving long-term blogging?
This one will be a year old on August 9, coincidentally also my parents’ wedding anniversary. (Yes, entry #1 was posted in April 2002, but I’ve only been going in earnest since the latter date.)
I’m going to have to read through the 250+ entries sometime soon to see how many I actually remember. Hey, someone’s got to do it sometime, and it might as well be me.
Will Petroglyphs make the leap to a long-term weblog? It’s hard to say… I’ve only made 6 entries in July (counting this one, which was written in July even if it’s finally posted in August… silly Sympatico DSL service has been up and down since 9:30 this evening). Then again, I did buy a shiny new domain and virtual server space so I’d have someplace to host it more permanently. As they say in the world of technology, one should never start a demo–or in this case, finish a retrospective entry–with any statement more predictive than Watch this!