Twitter packet loss

Massive packet loss between Bell and Twitter has been happening consistently for over a week now, between about 8pm and 1am Eastern. Current stats from mtr:

                                       Packets               Pings
 Host                                Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
 8.                     0.0%   136   85.5 110.0  73.3 204.3  30.9
 9.                    91.0%   135  537.7 440.4  83.8 2041. 540.1

/cc @twitter @status

Still having exactly the same issue at exactly the same times. has nothing. It’s either Qwest (the 63.x hop) or Twitter itself (the 199.x hop).

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One thought on “Twitter packet loss

  1. I feel like I’m back in 1982… 140 characters per second is just shy of 1200bps!

    I’ve even power-cycled the modem (to get a new IP) so it’s not just my particular session. Fortunately everything else continues to run at reasonable speed.

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