A geek just like her uncle

........................u, mu mmmmmmmmmmmmmm        v\/
        uvu bgggop *+

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6 thoughts on “A geek just like her uncle

  1. That will never compile as written. I believe that line two should read:


    Sloppy, man. Sloppy.

  2. I had a witty comment about why the above snippet would never compile but your comment system kept rejecting my submission. You’ve put a "skip QA" filter in place, haven’t you?

  3. It just got dropped into the moderation queue… nothing personal. 🙂

    I was willing to overlook the missing colon… just impressed that she already understands the *+ operator!

  4. Oh man – it’s all very cute but I think I understand the message from Isabella more than I do the discussion that has ensued! 🙂

  5. You should have seen the original message she was writing in GTalk… unfortunately she has already mastered shortcuts, so she had pressed Ctrl-A and backspace before we could send it on. And we still don’t know what the shortcut she used to open an email to you.

    And as for sloppy, you should see her eat!

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