25 Random Things About Me
In response to Pete’s list…
- I don’t blog as much as I used to. I’d like to say that’s because I have two other writing projects on the go—which I do—but they’re seeing about the same amount of output.
- I’m a mild-mannered computer geek by day, and a mild-mannered arts geek by night.
- I share a birthday with Al Yankovic, which pleases me greatly.
- Despite many years at university and in the software industry I’m not a coffee drinker. Can’t stand the stuff.
- I type two spaces after a period. It’s the right thing to do.
- I have an odd habit of mentally “typing” words and phrases, counting the number of letters, and subdividing them into groups.
- I love to drive.
- I was a competitive trivia game player in high school (and even late elementary school). The year our team won the provincial finals there weren’t nationals to go to.
- I learned to ride a bicycle on one of Ontario’s 400-series highways. Seriously. (Proof.)
- My favourite author? Harlan Ellison, hands down. Favourite (well-known) playwright? Daniel MacIvor.
- I played piano for about twelve years and trumpet for a similar period, but it’s been at least that long again since I’ve made a serious attempt to play either instrument.
- Black licorice. Not red. Yucch the red.
- I don’t own, and have never owned, a cell phone. This is as much due to the usurious telecom charges in Canada as my own natural tendencies.
- I can spot even the most innocuous typo at a glance from ten paces.
- I’m working on a secret project that incorporates at least four other items on this list. (Mu-ha-ha-ha-haaa….)
- I have a Rubik’s Snake wrapped around the left front speaker of my stereo to prevent it from crackling; it’s been there for more than fifteen years.
- I have a Mac… which I almost exclusively use through VNC from my GNOME/Fedora desktop.
- I once broke a finger when I punched a clown at an amusement park in Prince Edward Island.
- I still think analog watches are a pretty neat idea.
- I’m told that when I saw Star Wars for the first time, I was creeped out by Threepio and Artoo but not Darth Vader.
- I’ve only been on the campus of my alma mater once since I graduated.
- I own two inverted world maps.
- I find it much easier to promote others than myself.
- I’m fascinated by process, often more than by the result.
- A large majority of the people who inspire me are women, and I’m fortunate to count many of them as friends.
And a bonus 26th random thing: it’s taken me two full weeks to finish this list.
Twitter packet loss
Massive packet loss between Bell and Twitter has been happening consistently for over a week now, between about 8pm and 1am Eastern. Current stats from mtr:
Packets Pings
Host Loss% Snt Last Avg Best Wrst StDev
8. 0.0% 136 85.5 110.0 73.3 204.3 30.9
9. 91.0% 135 537.7 440.4 83.8 2041. 540.1
Still having exactly the same issue at exactly the same times. has nothing. It’s either Qwest (the 63.x hop) or Twitter itself (the 199.x hop).
The ing is a fin
Letter Sweep
Explanation. List:
- St. [A]idan’s Church, where I recently saw Amber Cunningham and Paul Grambo perform a concert combining music by Elvis Costello and Cole Porter.
- [B]uddies in Bad Times Theatre, where I’m going to see Evalyn Parry’s show SPIN.
- [C]hapters/Indigo, a bookstore where I had been trying to place an order.
- The Pidgin changelog on their [d]eveloper site.
- A recent event that had been posted on [E]ventBrite.
- [F]uture Shop. Looking for a replacement for my increasingly-crappy Harmony remote.
- The [G]rand Theatre, grand dame of London’s theatre venues.
- Twitter’s [H]ome page. Curiously, about three quarters of the suggested ‘H’ links are to Twitter.
- [I]nternational Theatre Institute, most widely known for starting World Theatre Day and promoting each year’s event with a message. I’m a co-presenter of London’s first WTD celebrations.
- [j].mp, the URL shortener.
- [K]ristin Sweetland, singer/songwriter/guitarist extraordinaire.
- [L]ondon Fringe Festival. If you’ve been around here at all you know why this one’s here.
- [M]TO, Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation. It’s winter in Canada, and for all its problems the MTO’s road info map is the best resource I’ve found to see if I’ll be able to get where I want to go.
- [N]CIX. Had to replace a faulty RAM stick.
- The National Ballet of Canada’s Toronto performance schedule for [O]negin, which I’m planning to see with a theatre-loving friend.
- DreamHost’s control [p]anel.
- IMDb’s meta-[q]uery page, which I have set up as a keyword.
- [R]CI, home of The Link, which I often hear late at night on CBC Radio 1.
- @[s]oapiest, aka Mikaela Dyke, actor, comedian, artist, activist, you name it. (Just days before she changed her handle.)
- My local install of [T]hinkUp, a personal Twitter metrics tool.
- [u], a collection of handy user stylesheets for various websites.
- A [V]ideo for Everybody generator. Because
isn’t everywhere yet. - Environment Canada’s weather forecasts. See [M].
- [x]kcd. As in Tim Bray’s original list, ’nuff said.
- [Y]UI 3. Website designs are never finished, only abandoned.
- YouTube; I guess its video IDs tend to include a lot of [z] characters.
Christmastime is here
A pattern for WebStart in Maven
Java WebStart and JNLP can be finicky beasts, especially when paired with Maven-generated websites and artifact repositories. Over the last few months I’ve developed POM and JNLP template patterns that I think are useful when used with the webstart-maven-plugin:jnlp goal; the main advantage is that applications can be WebStarted directly from the repository, which means that the version available is always the latest -SNAPSHOT
or release.
In the POM I define two variables, site.baseUrl
and artifactUrl
. site.baseUrl
defines the server and root path where all Maven-generated websites are published; it has a prefix because usually I’d only set it once in the corporate POM. artifactUrl
is the full URL of the project-specific website.
By default both site.baseUrl
and artifactUrl
point to the location where -SNAPSHOT
sites are published, usually by a CI system. They’re overridden in two profiles: release
switches site.baseUrl
to the release website (which is applied to artifactUrl
, so there’s no need to set it again), and devel
sets artifactUrl
to the local target directory (and omits site.baseUrl
, which ends up unused).
...<properties> <site.baseUrl>http://repository/snapshot-site/</site.baseUrl> <artifactUrl>${site.baseUrl}/${project.artifactId}</artifactUrl> </properties>
...<profiles> <profile> <id>release</id> <properties> <site.baseUrl>http://repository/release-site/</site.baseUrl> </properties> <distributionManagement> <site> <id>release-site</id> <url>dav:${artifactUrl}</url> </site> </distributionManagement> </profile> <profile> <id>devel</id> <properties> <artifactUrl>file://${}</artifactUrl> </properties> </profile> </profiles>
In the JNLP template, the codebase
is set to artifactUrl
, which means that the resulting JNLP will retrieve any artifact dependencies from the snapshot, release or local output directories.
<jnlp spec="$jnlpspec" codebase="${artifactUrl}/jnlp/" version="$project.Version" >
Note that the artifact dependencies still need to be copied into the jnlp
directory, which webstart-maven-plugin:jnlp
does by default. It would be nice to be able to get them from their canonical locations on the repository, but that’s not easily accomplished.
One step forward
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.
Eternal sunshine of a beautiful mind
I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day. When it’s cold outside, I’ve got the month of May. Well, I guess you’d say What can make me feel this way? Prozac…
Not just a city in Ireland
O. Henry could write with finesse The Gift of the Magi‘s his best; A poor couple trades gifts Irony in their thrifts: Sells his watch, then finds that she’s distressed.