Can someone please explain to me why smoking and singing are so closely linked? It seems to me that a singer’s greatest assets are the voice and lungs… the two things most easily and permanently harmed by the poisons in tobacco smoke. (For that matter, I don’t know why anyone smokes any more, but that’s a different post.)
I’m thinking of this at the moment because I’m making plans to go to Toronto in a couple of weeks to see Lenni Jabour and The Third Floor. While I’m more than happy that they’ve got a regular opportunity to perform, it’s getting harder and harder to make the trek to a place where I’m going to be subjected to this kind of thing. (To my knowledge, none of the group smokes. And it’s not like I haven’t encouraged them to play elsewhere, like London or Kitchener-Waterloo.)
Fortunately I live in a city that not only will soon have a 100% smoking ban in public places, but already has some sensible businesses—like Maggie’s and CopperField’s—that are smoke-free and book great live music.